Keeping Pets Happy During Back-to-School

atlanta back-to-school kid and parent

Back-to-School Blues For Pets

The end of summer means back-to-school excitement for kids, but it can also signal a big change for our furry friends. With the family routine shifting for many Atlanta pets this time of year, preparing your pet is essential. What we often refer to as the back-to-school blues is par for the course this time of year but it doesn’t have to be. Let’s talk about keeping pets happy during back-to-school.

Understanding the Impact

 For pets, especially younger pets and those with separation anxiety, the sudden absence of their humans can be unsettling. Changes in daily routines, schedules, noise levels, and the overall family dynamic can trigger stress and anxiety, and may even lead to behavioral issues.

dog looking out window waiting on dog walker atlantaPreparing Your Pet

  • Gradual Schedule Adjustments: When possible, begin adjusting your pet’s routine before school starts. Start to maintain more consistent feeding and walking schedules, even on weekends. Consistent routines provide a sense of stability and are often much-needed after summer break and vacations.
  • Create a Safe Space: Designate a quiet, comfortable area for your pet to retreat to when feeling overwhelmed. Provide their favorite bed, toys, and a calming pheromone diffuser if needed. I like pheromone diffusers because they can be used simultaneously for different species, are easy to find at national pet supply stores, and start to work very quickly. I prefer the plug-ins but they also sell sprays that you can use on bedding and around the home. Chewy ranks your options here.
  • Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Ensure your pet gets plenty of physical and mental exercise before school starts. A tired pet is less likely to experience have a marked reaction to your absence as they will be at ease and resting while you’re away.gray cat atlanta cat sitter
  • Leave Them Occupied: Invest in interactive toys and puzzle feeders o keep your pet entertained while you’re away. For cats, you might consider rechargeable robotic mice and, for dogs, prepare a frozen Kong with something yummy to lick. Foodie cats might also like a Kong treat. Did you know they make one for cats now? Click here to see it for yourself.
  • Consider Professional Pet Care: If your pet struggles with separation anxiety, needs more exercise, or seems to be struggling with the back-to-school blues, hiring a dog walker or pet sitter to come over while your family is at work and school to engage with and exercise your pet.

Back-to-School Safety Tipscat with fallen plant atlanta

  • Secure School Supplies: Keep backpacks, lunchboxes, and school supplies out of reach. These items can be tempting chew toys and, often, may be toxic or pose puncture or obstruction hazards.
  • Supervise Children and Pets: Always supervise interactions between children and pets. Teach children how to handle animals gently and respectfully. If your child insists on hugging or climbing your pet, stop the behavior immediately. It’s not cute and could cause your child to sustain a scratch or bite.
  • Pet-Proof Your Home: Even pets that usually don’t chew or cause damage may get into something while adjusting to the new schedule and routine. For this reason, be extra cautious about what you leave out. If your dog isn’t ready for full run of the house, crate him or her. If your cat likes to chew plants when stressed, consider moving the plants until things settle with dog walker atlanta
  • Beware of Toxic Substances: Some school supplies contain harmful chemicals. Store them safely and keep them out of your pet’s reach. Glue, ink, and paint can also be quite messy if your pet gets into them.
  • Snack Time Safety: Be mindful of food and snacks. Grapes, raisins, chocolate, and xylitol-sweetened gum are toxic to dogs. Wrappers can also cause choking or intestinal obstruction and food-motivated dogs won’t stop themselves.
  • Hair Ties & Ribbons: We love to see school kids getting all decked out for school but remind you to keep hair ties, ribbons, and other stringy or elastic items out of your pet’s reach. They can also be choking and intestinal hazards.
  • Garbage Management: Securely store trash to prevent your pet from accessing potentially harmful items. Discarded diapers, feminine products, etc. pose the same dangers as those listed above. Did you know that even empty chip bags can be a hazard? Dogs have died from sticking their heads in bags of chips only to have them tighten on their heads, leading to asphyxiation. Learn more about pet suffocation hazards in this article by the Atlanta Humane Society.

Buckhead Pet Pals Pet Sitting in Atlanta

By following these tips, you can help your pet adjust to the back-to-school routine and ensure a smooth transition for everyone in the family. Remember, patience and consistency are key. And, we’re here to help. If you notice your pet displaying signs of the back-to-school blues or separation anxiety, our team of professional dog walkers and pet sitter would be delighted to make their day!

Existing clients, please request services here. New clients, learn more about our onboarding process and scheduling software/app here. We welcome your questions and comments via phone at 404-303-0312 or email at

Buckhead Pet Pals offers services in Altanta, Buckhead, Sandy Spring, Marietta, and Roswell. Learn more about our service area here.

By |2024-08-08T18:57:34-04:00August 8th, 2024|Atlanta Pets, Buckhead Pet Pals|Comments Off on Keeping Pets Happy During Back-to-School
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